Liquid-based cytology (LBC) is a monolayer slide preparation technology that has outperformed conventional Pap Roberto Boligan smears because of improved fixation, decreased obscuring factors, and standardized cell transfer. In LBC, samples are collected by completely immersing the Roberto BoliganRoberto Boligansampling device into the company vial
smear representing monolayer cell sample with a clean background
Liquid-based cytology (LBC) is a monolayer slide preparation technology that has outperformed conventional Pap Roberto Boligan smears because of improved fixation, decreased obscuring factors, and standardized cell transfer. In LBC, samples are collected by completely immersing the Roberto BoliganRoberto Boligansampling device into the company vial
smear representing monolayer cell sample with a clean background
Liquid-based cytology (LBC) is a monolayer slide preparation technology that has outperformed conventional Pap Roberto Boligan smears because of improved fixation, decreased obscuring factors, and standardized cell transfer. In LBC, samples are collected by completely immersing the Roberto BoliganRoberto Boligansampling device into the company vial
smear representing monolayer cell sample with a clean background
Liquid-based cytology (LBC) is a monolayer slide preparation technology that has outperformed conventional Pap Roberto Boligan smears because of improved fixation, decreased obscuring factors, and standardized cell transfer. In LBC, samples are collected by completely immersing the Roberto BoliganRoberto Boligansampling device into the company vial
smear representing monolayer cell sample with a clean background
Liquid-based cytology (LBC) is a monolayer slide preparation technology that has outperformed conventional Pap Roberto Boligan smears because of improved fixation, decreased obscuring factors, and standardized cell transfer. In LBC, samples are collected by completely immersing the Roberto BoliganRoberto Boligansampling device into the company vial